Our Systems
Valley Septics wastewater systems are designed specifically for local conditions with integrity to provide an efficient, safe and environmentally friendly septic solution for users.
In most cases, owners will require either a ‘primary’ or ‘secondary’ wastewater treatment system, which treats the wastewater through either a one or two stage process. In some situations, the site and soil limitations may require the adoption of a particular type of septic system.
Choosing the correct wastewater septic system can be daunting, especially if you are a first time owner of a septic system. Let us explain the different types of septic systems which may be available to you.

Aerated Treatment System
As water comes from the house into the system, Aqua Advanced carefully treats the wastewater through 5 processes – primary, aeration, clarification, disinfection and irrigation.
Designed and built with back up mechanisms, alert system and overflow, this ensures complete safety for your home, your family and the environment.
The system has successfully met the AS/NZ1546.3 standard and has tested to the Advanced Secondary Standard, with a rigorous 34-week testing program, highlighting its compliance with Australia’s stringent testing protocols.

VS1200 Passive Treatment Systems
Similar to our standard system, wastewater from your kitchens, laundries, toilets, and bathrooms undergo a two-stage treatment progress. In the first stage, a septic tank uses bacteria to decompose solids. The effluent existing the septic tank to a dosing pump chamber where a pump directs it to the passive sand filter for the second stage.
Wastewater is evenly distributed across the top sand filter via a manifold, allowing it to pass through the different aggregate layers before the filter sand bed. The VS1200 Passive Treatment System employs physical, chemical, and biological processes to further treat the effluent. The treated effluent collected and drained into a dispersal pump chamber and pumped to the effluent field for absorption and evaporation. The system is designed to treat effluent, allowing owners to reuse the wastewater generated from your home in a safe environment though lawns and gardens.

Standard Septic System
All wastewater from your kitchens, laundries, toilets and bathrooms is directed to a primary septic tank which provides the first stage of the treatment process where the bacteria decomposes solids through anaerobic digestion.
Solid waste settle at the bottom to form sludge, while lighter matter float to form scum layer. The liquid wastewater with reduced suspended solids exits the septic tank into absorption trenches.
In the second stage, wastewater disperses to a distribution pit and absorption drain, where it soaks into the soil, dispersing through absorption and evaporation. When the trench is full, the effluent overflows into a second distribution pit and absorption drain, continuing the process. If you require any further information please feel free to contact our office as we will be more than happy to help.

Standard Septic System
The most cost-effective and low maintenance wastewater system available. Extremely strong and durable system with minimal maintenance and uses natural process to treat effluent. No to minimal power is used and there is low visual impact on your property.
VS1200 Passive Treatment Systems
Valley Septics are the only Victorian-based accredited septic experts to design and install passive sand filter treatment systems. We’ve develop a way of refining the system to help prevent blockages and clogging, using all-natural process to treat effluent to a high quality. Most environmentally friendly and cost-effective secondary treatment system available. Strong, durable and requires minimal power and maintenance with only one service per year.
Aerated Treatment System
Valley Septics have recently partners with Everhard Industries to supply and install their Aqua Advanced Aerated Treatment system for tight sites which require a smaller footprint. Contact us today if you’d like to learn more about your Aerated Treatment System option.
Choosing your wastewater system
What to consider when choosing the right system for you
If you are new to septic systems and require a septic system to be installed on your property, we appreciate understanding which system is best suited yourself and property can be quite overwhelming. We take pride in assisting new and existing customers to provide the best possible septic system for their needs.

When considering or deciding which septic system to install on your property, the overall capital, lifecycle and energy costs need to be considered. Costs for septic system can vary greatly depending on which wastewater system you wish to pursue.

Frequency of Use
Some wastewater treatment systems are better suited to holiday homes with occasional occupancy than others. Those which do not require continuous power to be consumed as part of the treatment process would be an ideal system to install on your holidays house.

Council Regulations
Your local Council is the responsible authority regarding your septic system and Council issue both permits to install and permits to use regarding your septic system. Many Councils have septic requirements regarding wastewater treatment systems.

The Environment
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and your local Council are conscious on which type of septic system is best suited to the property and importantly, the environment. The likes of water catchment and coastal areas where the effluent can potential disperse into estuaries, creeks and rivers is something which needs to be considered when determine the best possible septic system for your property.

Size of Land
The size of your property in some cases will determine the type of wastewater treatment system you can install on your property. Those with smaller sizes land will in most cases be required to install a secondary septic system as certain setback can be reduced with the second level of treatment.